The rules apply to any of my dogs that are up for sale, adults as well as puppies:
1. The dogs will be send as a Sims3Pack.file only per E-Mail and only after previous contact and arrangement.
2. The breeding name "Lionlyx's" as well as the registered name will not be changed. But you can change the callname to whatever you want.
3. The dogs look will not be changed. Bad characteristics can be changed while playing with the dog under good influence.
4. The dogs are not for public download. If I see any of my dogs up for download in public, I will contact the owner of the dog and this person will not be allowed to adopt any of my future dogs and it will have consequences within the SUKC community.
5. The origin of my dogs should be mentioned in their describtion with a link to my kennel. Also the link to my kennel should appear in you banner section.